Media packs #11-#15

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Media packs overview

The media packs can be downloaded directly from within the respective application that includes support for media library from the Online page.

Created by Vlasta on October 5 2011.

A collection of 9 basic layer styles to get you started.

Created by chimimic on October 16 2011.

A set of sample electrical components for those using RWIE to create 3D models for Proteus/Ares PCB designer.

Created by Fry on November 22 2012.

This small, simple image pack lets you make a variety of your own smileys, with 7 different colors, eyes and mouths, at a total of 21 different parts. Create icons online.

Created by kunkel321 on December 5 2012.

Create folder icons with gradient overlays. When used from the editor, use the Colorize command to further customize the colors of the folder components. Create icons online.

Created by Vlasta on March 20 2013.

Add customizable speech bubbles to your photographs or drawings.

I wish there were...
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