Media packs #36-#39

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Media packs overview

The media packs can be downloaded directly from within the respective application that includes support for media library from the Online page.

Created by nibbler on March 14 2016.

You can make your own cursor icon here. To make it a cursor, open your file in RW cursor editor, and find the cursor icon on a toolbar, change size to 32 by 32 pixels, and click OK, then you have a cursor! Create icons online.

Created by LiliMonika on June 26 2016.

A house with a garden. Create icons online.

Created by nibbler on November 4 2016.

This is made for emoji folders. Great for an emoji theme.

Created by J on June 26 2017.

Combine background and symbols to customize your computer icons. Create icons online.

I wish there were...
Select background