Designing a power cell icon - video tutorial

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rsrc/pwcl.png image

Creating a power cell icon

May 15th 2008

This tutorial teaches you how to create a simple 3D models of a power cell and how to convert it to a Windows Vista-compatible icon. The icon is created entirely in RealWorld Icon Editor 2008.1.

People watching this tutorial should already know what is a 3D model and an icon. Understanding the basic computer graphics terms such as pixel, raster image, rendering, NURBS curve, etc. is a big advantage.

3D -> image -> icon

The video tutorial covers the whole process from designing a 3D model, defining a snapshot, rendering, conversion to icon, and retouching the icon.


  • The tutorial does not show it, but it is a good practice to give names to the components of the 3D model.
  • This tutorial also applies to previous versions of RW Icon Editor. The latest version is needed for the icon retouching section only.



Making icons using 3D models is one of the possible ways, and most likely the fastest way to make realistic and usable icons without needing to be an artist. This tutorial is a proof ;-).

Recent comments

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user icon Anonymous on June 12th 2010

Awesome job!

user icon nunyahbis registered user on August 12th 2010

this guy is awsome

user icon Anonymous on April 26th 2011

it so verry complex
please simple program make picture into .ico file

user icon Anonymous on September 4th 2011

This is really really good.

user icon Anonymous on December 15th 2011


user icon Anonymous on February 2nd 2012


user icon underdogamesman registered user on September 24th 2012

On April 4th 2011 Anoymous said "it so very complex please simple program maake pictur into .ico" useing same software you can

user icon Anonymous on January 23rd 2013

what about hello kitty or anything else? |-)

user icon Anonymous on March 4th 2016

/Petr, Ostrava

user icon Anonymous on April 21st 2017

looks good

just pls tell me how u can change the avatar on profile
i am registered but iam lazy to login :-)

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons