como se puede cambiar al idioma español para poder entender
RealWorld Designer is general purpose application framework, focused on application of the "editor" class. Other types of applications can be built on top of RWD components, but they usually only make use of a subset of the concepts.
RW Designer was never released, because it is not practical and would be overwhelming for the end users. Instead, a group of application focused on individual scenarios are available.
como se puede cambiar al idioma español para poder entender
Please Help me, i dont know how to create crusers, or anything, i'm a newbie!!
Help Im a NEWBIE !
I just created a moving icon curser of a smily face that shows all emotions and it changed colors pretty kewl
release RealWorld Designer!
How to Create icons, i dont know how to do them!
i need help creating a cursor plz show me
We need more cursor roles templates in RW Cursor Editor.