Items with Windows 11 tag

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Tag: Windows 11

A brand new operating system coming out in 2021

The Opera GX Gaming Internet Browser Logos Folders TeaserThe Opera GX Gaming Internet Browser Logos Folders Icons
by Cursor Mania54A Opera GX Gaming internet browser logos icon set with 61 colors incl...
The IObitUninstaller Bitonal Colored Logos Folders TeaserThe IObitUninstaller Bitonal Colored Logos Folders Icons
by Cursor Mania43A IObitUninstaller logo icon set with 22 colors including the classic...
The Microsoft Office Colored Logos Folders TeaserThe Microsoft Office Colored Logos Folders Icons
by Cursor Mania16A Microsoft Office logo icon pack with 37 variants including the clas...
Rainbow Green Metallic Sheen TeaserRainbow Green Metallic Sheen Cursors
by RIDDLER45Rainbow Green Metallic Sheen How brushed green metal is made? Brushed...
WinOS [S] TeaserWinOS [S] Cursors
by noahly528Tried to make a cursor set that looks like if Windows and MacOS had a...
Rainbow Mandelbrot Zoom TeaserRainbow Mandelbrot Zoom Cursors
by RIDDLER0Rainbow Mandelbrot Zoom Welcome to a brand new animated rainbow curso...
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...