Icon Set - OneDrive (w/ Colored Folder)

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OneDrive (w/ Colored Folder) Icons

OneDrive (w/ Colored Folder)
  • Published on March 3rd 2025 by .
  • Released under the Attribution+NonCommercial (CC by-nc) license.
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DISCLAIMER: These icons were NOT made by me! These were made by Microsoft. This set was uploaded for archival purposes only.

A collection of icons extracted from OneDrive version 25.020.0202.0001, which includes the colored folder icons plus some others. You can now color your folders without selling your soul to the Microsoft overlords!

Yea, ik I haven't put out any new sets since almost a year ago. I'm in high school now, so school's been my focus. I've also has art block when it comes to making cursor sets. More original cursor sets are coming, I promise!!

If there are any issues, please contect me!

Enjoy the set!
- Animelove_1105

Tags: Windows 10 Windows 11 Folder □ Multicolored ■ Red ■ Orange ■ Yellow ■ Green ■ Blue ■ Purple ■ Pink


by Animelove_1105

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon Anonymous about 22 hours ago

This is unique

user icon Anonymous