Items with Application tag

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Tag: Application

Icons or cursors often used in a desktop application - like copy/paste icons, new document icon, open file icon or help icon.

Overlays #1 TeaserOverlays #1 Icons
by Honzales6725Eight commonly used overlay icons (al so available in different sizes...
Overlays #2 TeaserOverlays #2 Icons
by Honzales6407Less usual overlay icons, different sizes and colors available on req...
Application Common Tools TeaserApplication Common Tools Icons
by Honzales7801This set contains icons commonly found in the main toolbar of most ap...
Application Help TeaserApplication Help Icons
by Honzales6028Basic icons for help buttons in applications or web pages.
System and Aplications TeaserSystem and Aplications Icons
by Aston5134This set is for system and applications in Windows, for example: IE, ...
Black and Dark Red TeaserBlack and Dark Red Icons
by MEGADETHFAN30005072Make your computer look evil!
Extension 2 TeaserExtension 2 Icons
by sixλxis2478My second version of Extensions! These are much darker themed and hav...
GlassyApps TeaserGlassyApps Icons
by JDDellGuy1191A set of icons for the Microsoft Office Professional 2010 software. ...
Metal Series TeaserMetal Series Icons
by JDDellGuy1010A set of icons that are made with a metal frame around them. I am on...
Metal II Series TeaserMetal II Series Icons
by JDDellGuy1518The new, improved version of the Metal Series Icons. These icons hav...
Instant Messenger TeaserInstant Messenger Icons
by Sirea628Icons for 7 most popular instant messengers. Redesigned in 3D. If you...
Iphone Glossy Buttons Season 1 TeaserIphone Glossy Buttons Season 1 Icons
by Ricon358This is not very good maybe but, I was just bored and this took me a ...
Google Chrome ShapeShifting TeaserGoogle Chrome ShapeShifting Cursors
by TCRcreations460Created By: TCRcreations [BETTER VERSION COMNG SOON REFER TO FIRST CO...
Chrome ShapeShifting Pack: V1! TeaserChrome ShapeShifting Pack: V1! Icons
by TCRcreations595Created By: TCRcreations ___________________________________________ ...
RW-Designer: Dedication Pack - 3D Abstact! TeaserRW-Designer: Dedication Pack - 3D Abstact! Icons
by TCRcreations348Created By: TCRcreations (Icon owned by respective owners) _________...
Amazing Techs TeaserAmazing Techs Icons
by cdl1652In honor of Amazing Techs Closing after 12 years of tireless service ...
transforming XP Teasertransforming XP Cursors
by oriolego518wait 'til grandpa gets a load a' theese! lol *update* improved resizi...
Android Ice Cream Sandwich TeaserAndroid Ice Cream Sandwich Cursors
by ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥2308Enjoy my set Android Ice Cream Sandwich. Thanks for download and revi...
Phone Indication TeaserPhone Indication Cursors
by HusenPo774phone indication is cursors that use the icons commonly found in your...
Silver Surfer V.2 TeaserSilver Surfer V.2 Cursors
by AJaxx582A fun set of cursors with bonus cursors for user enjoyment. Pick and ...
Aurora TeaserAurora Cursors
by AJaxx2406A fun set of cursors for windows. There are extra/bonus cursors to mi...
Diablo TeaserDiablo Cursors
by AJaxx1079Another fun cursor set for windows. There are extra/bonus cursors for...
Isis ⚪ TeaserIsis ⚪ Cursors
by AJaxx1472A fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2006 ported for windows. Extra/bonus ...
Green Arrow TeaserGreen Arrow Cursors
by AJaxx1780A fun cursor set with extra/bonus cursors for user enjoyment. Pick & ...
Liberty TeaserLiberty Cursors
by AJaxx2046This a collection of many cursors & colors. Check it out, you may fin...
Arkanus ⚫ TeaserArkanus ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx3051A fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2005 converted for windows. Credit: j...
CandyMan Red ⚪ TeaserCandyMan Red ⚪ Cursors
by AJaxx2313A fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2007 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
Super Nova ⚫ TeaserSuper Nova ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx1991Another fun Legacy, cursorFX set from 2004, converted and modified fo...
LlumBlau ⚪ TeaserLlumBlau ⚪ Cursors
by AJaxx1229A nice Legacy, cursorFX set from 2005, converted and with a few bonus...
Aqualix ⚫ TeaserAqualix ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx2595Another fun, Legacy, CursorFX set from 2006, converted for windows. R...
Star 77 TeaserStar 77 Cursors
by AJaxx13kA fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2004, ported for windows. Added extra...
Android Ice Cream Sandwich 2 TeaserAndroid Ice Cream Sandwich 2 Cursors
by ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥98ツ MIMI DESTINO ♥.♡ Enjoy the set. Thanks for download and revie...
by frogman529its a collection of emoticons that i had saved and then turned into a...
Random TeaserRandom Cursors
by nibbler1099This set has a variety of cursors for you to use. If you want a curso...
Pix Office ⚫ TeaserPix Office ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx470A fun, legacy CursorFX set from 2003 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
Snapchat TeaserSnapchat Cursors
by siabob0072057I was bored so I made the cute snapchat ghost into a cursor set. When...
no / tiny Teaserno / tiny Cursors
by fazmade112517great for watching videos!
5×7 Dot Matrix Character Teaser5×7 Dot Matrix Character Icons
by nibbler308These are like what you see on a calculator or any other device with ...
Custom 5×7 Dot Matrix Character TeaserCustom 5×7 Dot Matrix Character Icons
by nibbler115This is a custom set of the 5×7 Dot Matrix Character Icons.
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...