is the memey cursor a virus?
i do things
Released on August 2nd 2018 by fazmade112
these are icons i made for my laptop.
i find them to be funny, so i made this set!
also, i make EVEN MORE icons only for this set! (but i will still use them)
also, please rate the set and say wat i need to inprove!
[update 2.0]
added blox-it, blox-it studio and the legandary T P O S E icons!
[update 2.5]
added my meme computer icon!
[update 3.0]
added OOFanview and bloxy folder icons!
[update 4.0]
updated bloxy folder (but the old one is there still) and added 3 my documents icons!
[update 4.5]
added bloxy folder with no files icon! (but wy do you need one?)
[update 4.75]
added mineblox icon because i forgot it in update 4.0
i made icons that are NOT memey.
Show all icon and cursor sets.
is the memey cursor a virus?
its a cursor set
i don't like the oof head set. I LOVE IT!
the meme man is bae- XD
no its not a virus
vfi jldkxglidmxb.jkg.;touihjxflk;xtjl/jxohtithjfglhjo;jxthofjghtxofhgxfhphxthjxfpghjtf txfi jhxijx pixftoxit thoxpift ixph ixfti xfp xithx itxh ixgixi fpmtoifxb[xith 9pixtx59x x-9-rhitrigh-t ix-hti-gfxith-fixgxh-itx-htix-5hi-txtmfig-thii-ix-i6hg-ftixt-fifx-tigxh-tfigh=66if,g=xthx-hgof=t55h5hlsallwdlsla lwdpdA OUU(rgb zeug9u fpgut 90hux9fo ummx9h uakdkwasdw9akdasa9 WKD (K 0 dhack sc ri[t aadd33441166777 DONT LLOOK AT ITT I MMADE TTHHE SCRRIPPTT wwaalsal{WPKp gORkg9piodkfpogkreO EGJRIJLGXJRIOXJGRI ZJGR OZJGODZR JGFZDKRLE JDRGLJD JGORIJXDGJR OZDJHTOGXIFJ XTX HKGFXPTHKXGPJXXYPFXGIHXTFPXJGFOXHKTOPFJXGHPXOFKHT[XFKGH[XFTKL./// TPLFGPHLG PLTFPGLHT[FGLHFJKYGOPJKHGrikk nnnnnnnnnnuuhiu hkin98i 8y8iy889eryts89etu9e84nt8eys
end 3344.cap\45/.443raooseepealss1eep
A better way to delete old cursors is to click the link text "Delete icons and cursors" accompanied by non-link text "not included in any set", then click the red x in the top right corner of the cursor you're gonna delete.
ehhhh how?
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Find out how Vista icons differ from XP icons.
See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.