Cursor Set - Silver Surfer V.2

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Silver Surfer V.2 Cursors

Silver Surfer V.2
  • Published on November 29th 2015 by AJaxx.
  • Released under the Custom (contact author) license.
4.5 out of 5 stars. (3 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

A fun set of cursors with bonus cursors for user enjoyment. Pick and choose as often as you like until you are satisfied.

Have fun & Enjoy!

<30.11.'15 modified two cursors: Normal & pointer. Tweaked their behavior for better visual.><Added 4 more because I can't help myself and love cursors and icons and that shite. 2 pointers are static for those who seek calmness.>

<11.04.'16 Updated cursor hot spots & animations.>

<*29.04.'16 Modified & upgraded set with both sizes [32,48], enhanced image quality and animations.>

*This was my first set and it needed some TLC which it received. Enhanced image quality, improved sizes [32,48] and upgraded entire set/animations.

Tags: ■ Silver Computer Application


by AJaxx

See also

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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon AJaxx registered user on November 30th 2015

Thank you! ;-)

user icon Lisa registered user on January 27th 2016




user icon HotDog 640 registered user on May 28th 2016

4.5 out of 5 stars.

Realy good, no offence but i thing you were alot better when you started, like this, then you newer more O.T.T ones

user icon AJaxx registered user on May 28th 2016

Thanks. Many of the sets I only ported for windows. The author and link is located at the top of the page. The others I made like this one which is the second version. The first version needed a lot of help. No fence taken. lol Thanks for the rating!

user icon Anonymous on June 12th 2017

Nice! Thanks!

user icon quackyduck registered user on October 14th 2018

these are pretty awesome! maybe you could take a look at some of my sets? you inspired me to now add bonus cursors which i will do from now on ;-)

user icon AJaxx registered user on October 24th 2018

@quackyduck: Will do.

user icon Anonymous on December 18th 2019

Amazing work, keep it up!

user icon RIDDLER registered user on May 17th 2021

5 out of 5 stars.

That cursor set is so nice. I like the first spinning Busy cursor. That one has an animation that I never seen before. Epic silver set.

user icon Anonymous on January 6th 2022

hello Ajaax, if you are still active in the site i would like to make an request, i want you to port (that 70's cursor) pack from WinCustomize to this site, please.

its not an old pack but its kinda cool.

user icon Anonymous