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quackyduck's profile

View quackyduck's timeline, last visit on April 26th 2021

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Alternate email:troyjvisser@gmail.com

paste the following into your browser to join my whatsapp group chat https://chat.whatsapp.com/DET7x0c9JSrDfLvEr80b4

dwerggroei lars

Featured art


Transparent Rainbow Cursors (17 cursors)

Released on September 15th 2018 by quackyduck

A bunch of very nice animated rainbow cursors with the most having 18 frames. Have fun

Latest art

Food TeaserFood Cursors
by quackyduck1937A small set of delicious food and candy cursors but i will try to add...
Lost in the future - Black Red Blue TeaserLost in the future - Black Red Blue Cursors
by quackyduck2652A full set of modern cursors. They're all animated with the exception...
Low Effort TeaserLow Effort Cursors
by quackyduck1415The name says it all, but they still look good. Please leave a commen...
Two Colored TeaserTwo Colored Cursors
by quackyduck1401A simple set of two-colored cursors in 3 themes! Some are animated. A...
Lightning Jewel TeaserLightning Jewel Cursors
by quackyduck978Lightning Jewel cursors! Rate and enjoy! these are follow ups from th...
Rainbow Jewel TeaserRainbow Jewel Cursors
by quackyduck3786A modern set of animated rainbow cursors. Text has an animation but o...
Static Fish TeaserStatic Fish Cursors
by quackyduck1991A simple set of static fish cursors of various colors based on the cl...
Blue Circle TeaserBlue Circle Cursors
by quackyduck1643A 15 cursor set with blue colored cursors. thanks to https://pcg.cyto...
Destiny TeaserDestiny Cursors
by quackyduck3388A full set of cool animated Destiny cursors! Please rate 1-5 stars. E...
Mc'Donalds TeaserMc'Donalds Cursors
by quackyduck1777A full set of simple Mc'Donalds cursors. A few are animated. These we...

Show all icon and cursor sets.

Forum topics, where quackyduck participated

Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on September 17th 2018

Niceeee ;-)

user icon Anonymous on September 19th 2018

Noice cursors bro, I want to meet you in reallife :-D :-o 8-)

user icon Anonymous on September 19th 2018

sic cursors, bro. 2 sic

user icon Anonymous on September 19th 2018

Idea: Make a gaming cursor, pls :-o

You have Talent for making mousecursors dude!

user icon Anonymous on September 27th 2018

Make a gaming cursor plz!

Make a gaming cursor!

user icon Cursorlover registered user on October 30th 2018

You have the best cursors on this site!

user icon Anonymous on November 10th 2018


user icon Anonymous on September 22nd 2020

dude this other kid stealing your cursors

user icon Anonymous
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Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?