quackyduck's Art - sets #1-12

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Icon and cursor sets by quackyduck

Click on set heading or image to display details or download the set.

Orange - Yellow TeaserOrange - Yellow Cursors
by quackyduck623Lol this was made in february ^^ Dont take them too serious i was bad...
Transparent Rainbow TeaserTransparent Rainbow Cursors
by quackyduck13kA bunch of very nice animated rainbow cursors with the most having 18...
Mc'Donalds TeaserMc'Donalds Cursors
by quackyduck1785A full set of simple Mc'Donalds cursors. A few are animated. These we...
Destiny TeaserDestiny Cursors
by quackyduck3392A full set of cool animated Destiny cursors! Please rate 1-5 stars. E...
Blue Circle TeaserBlue Circle Cursors
by quackyduck1643A 15 cursor set with blue colored cursors. thanks to https://pcg.cyto...
Static Fish TeaserStatic Fish Cursors
by quackyduck2000A simple set of static fish cursors of various colors based on the cl...
Rainbow Jewel TeaserRainbow Jewel Cursors
by quackyduck3809A modern set of animated rainbow cursors. Text has an animation but o...
Lightning Jewel TeaserLightning Jewel Cursors
by quackyduck981Lightning Jewel cursors! Rate and enjoy! these are follow ups from th...
Two Colored TeaserTwo Colored Cursors
by quackyduck1402A simple set of two-colored cursors in 3 themes! Some are animated. A...
Low Effort TeaserLow Effort Cursors
by quackyduck1419The name says it all, but they still look good. Please leave a commen...
Lost in the future - Black Red Blue TeaserLost in the future - Black Red Blue Cursors
by quackyduck2659A full set of modern cursors. They're all animated with the exception...
Food TeaserFood Cursors
by quackyduck1942A small set of delicious food and candy cursors but i will try to add...
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?