Animelove_1105's timeline

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Animelove_1105's timeline

The timeline displays icon and cursor sets added by Animelove_1105 ordered by publishing time. Move your mouse over the time-line to display art previews.

Joined in Mar 2022
1 set published
Sketch TeaserSketch Cursors
by Animelove_11051034HAPPY 1ST ANNIVERSARY!!! Check out the NEW sets here!
1 set published
Stickly TeaserStickly Cursors
by Animelove_1105251I have updated the Text cursor in this set. You can redownload it her...
8 sets published
Possibly the Tiniest TeaserPossibly the Tiniest Cursors
by Animelove_1105113A brand new cursor set from me! This time, I tried to make the tinies...
Remastered Sketch TeaserRemastered Sketch Cursors
by Animelove_1105689HAPPY 1ST ANNIVERSARY!!! Check out the NEW sets here!
(Part 5) imageres.dll (Windows 7) Teaser(Part 5) imageres.dll (Windows 7) Icons
by Animelove_1105401I have decided to split the set into multiple parts due to issues. He...
(Part 4) imageres.dll (Windows 7) Teaser(Part 4) imageres.dll (Windows 7) Icons
by Animelove_1105627I have decided to split the set into multiple parts due to issues. He...
[READ DESC] (Part 1) imageres.dll (Windows 7) Teaser[READ DESC] (Part 1) imageres.dll (Windows 7) Icons
by Animelove_11051480Notice I have uploaded the Ultimate Windows 7 Icon Collection from my...
(Part 3) imageres.dll (Windows 7) Teaser(Part 3) imageres.dll (Windows 7) Icons
by Animelove_1105495I have decided to split the set into multiple parts due to issues. He...
(Part 2) imageres.dll (Windows 7) Teaser(Part 2) imageres.dll (Windows 7) Icons
by Animelove_1105678I have decided to split the set into multiple parts due to issues. He...
(Part 6) imageres.dll (Windows 7) Teaser(Part 6) imageres.dll (Windows 7) Icons
by Animelove_1105443I have decided to split the set into multiple parts due to issues. Pa...
3 sets published
ACTUALLY the Tiniest TeaserACTUALLY the Tiniest Cursors
by Animelove_1105512Note: I know that the cursors can't be seen. It's because they're too...
Square TeaserSquare Cursors
by Animelove_1105318I have made another set! These are some simple square cursors I made....
Ovaley TeaserOvaley Cursors
by Animelove_1105335This cursor set has been REMASTERED! Click here to check it out! Here...
2 sets published
Remastered Ovaley TeaserRemastered Ovaley Cursors
by Animelove_1105280Hello everyone! You guys may remember my Ovaley Cursors. You guys tho...
For real this time, these ARE the tiniest TeaserFor real this time, these ARE the tiniest Cursors
by Animelove_1105242* A 200x200 px canvas. * Up to 5 pixels per cursor. * Almost impossib...
Jan 2023
2 sets published
Anonymous TeaserAnonymous Cursors
by Animelove_1105124I thought I might give most of the anonymous users* some support by m...
Windows Gamepad Emoji TeaserWindows Gamepad Emoji Cursors
by Animelove_11051438TOTM 2nd place winner!!! Thank you guys so much for your support!!!! ...
3 sets published
Windows Joystick Emoji TeaserWindows Joystick Emoji Cursors
by Animelove_1105508Thank you everyone for getting my Windows Gamepad Emoji Cursors to 10...
Love Letter TeaserLove Letter Cursors
by Animelove_1105147Winner of the February... 2024... ToTM? Well then. Thank you everyone...
Internet Explorer 11 TeaserInternet Explorer 11 Icons
by Animelove_1105217Since Internet Explorer is dying, I'd think it would be a good idea t...
2 sets published
Sketch - 1st Anniversary REMASTER! TeaserSketch - 1st Anniversary REMASTER! Cursors
by Animelove_1105748HAPPY 1ST ANNIVERSARY TO ANIMELOVE_1105 ON RW DESIGNER!!!! To celebra...
Sketch - 1st Anniversary Rainbow TeaserSketch - 1st Anniversary Rainbow Cursors
by Animelove_1105282HAPPY 1ST ANNIVERSARY TO ANIMELOVE_1105 ON RW DESIGNER!!!! To celebra...
1 set published
Stripes of Pride TeaserStripes of Pride Cursors
1 set published
Pumpkin Style Pointer TeaserPumpkin Style Pointer Cursors
by Animelove_1105415Kinda late update, but This set is an October ToTM winner!!! Thank yo...
3 sets published
Pink Button TeaserPink Button Cursors
by Animelove_1105496I started working on this one a while back and never finished this on...
Spray Paint TeaserSpray Paint Cursors
by Animelove_1105433This set is a collection of cursors based on the RWD spray paints. Th...
Ornament TeaserOrnament Cursors
by Animelove_1105237Hey y'all, decided I would try @The Male Boss's 2023 Christmas Contes...
Jan 2024
1 set published
DDORes.dll (Windows 7) TeaserDDORes.dll (Windows 7) Icons
by Animelove_1105111DISCLAIMER: These icons were NOT made by me! These were made by Micro...
Jan 2025
Last seen in Mar 2025
1 set published
OneDrive (w/ Colored Folder) TeaserOneDrive (w/ Colored Folder) Icons
by Animelove_110558DISCLAIMER: These icons were NOT made by me! These were made by Micro...
Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...