Honzales's Art - sets #1-11

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Icon and cursor sets by Honzales

Click on set heading or image to display details or download the set.

Computer Components TeaserComputer Components Icons
by Honzales12kComputer, computer parts and peripherals. All in classic beige style.
Star Trek Logos TeaserStar Trek Logos Icons
by Honzales6526Star Trek races and factions buddy icons.
Star Trek TNG Rank TeaserStar Trek TNG Rank Icons
by Honzales4526Communication badges by Starfleet rank as used in Star Trek TNG.
Overlays #1 TeaserOverlays #1 Icons
by Honzales6725Eight commonly used overlay icons (al so available in different sizes...
Overlays #2 TeaserOverlays #2 Icons
by Honzales6407Less usual overlay icons, different sizes and colors available on req...
Application Common Tools TeaserApplication Common Tools Icons
by Honzales7801This set contains icons commonly found in the main toolbar of most ap...
Optical Devices and Tools TeaserOptical Devices and Tools Icons
by Honzales4633A small set of icons from the area of vision enhancement. Different s...
Application Help TeaserApplication Help Icons
by Honzales6028Basic icons for help buttons in applications or web pages.
Cosmic Journey TeaserCosmic Journey Icons
by Honzales1329Icons from web game Cosmic Journey you can find on here. Graphics for...
Cosmic Journey Bonuses TeaserCosmic Journey Bonuses Cursors
by Honzales213Animated cursors of bonuses from the game Cosmic Journey http://www.r...
What about ICL files?
Vista & Win 7 icons
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