Daniel W.'s Art - sets #41-63

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Icon and cursor sets by Daniel W.

Click on set heading or image to display details or download the set.

Magic Red TeaserMagic Red Cursors
by Daniel W.1338Red and blue with black and white trim. Trying to use more colors th...
Blue Accent TeaserBlue Accent Cursors
by Daniel W.921Simple blue set with a gentle blue shadow accenting them I have added...
Throb TeaserThrob Cursors
by Daniel W.2304Throbbing gold cursors I have added a matching wallpaper for this set...
Sayings TeaserSayings Cursors
by Daniel W.178Just a few clever sayings just for fun. Hope you like them.
Orange Glow TeaserOrange Glow Cursors
by Daniel W.6151This is really just another variation of a previous set I did a littl...
Grayscale TeaserGrayscale Cursors
by Daniel W.10kGray with blue outline I have added a matching wallpaper for this set...
Construction TeaserConstruction Cursors
by Daniel W.349Some construction/roadwork style cursors Get a matching wallpaper her...
Red Ray TeaserRed Ray Cursors
by Daniel W.7972My 50th cursor set! Some red cursors. Almost all are animated. Get a...
Vandenynas TeaserVandenynas Cursors
by Daniel W.1078I got a crazy idea for a new busy cursor but then I had to make a set...
Bluescale TeaserBluescale Cursors
by Daniel W.1912Several people commented on Grayscale that they liked the set but not...
Nyan The Cat TeaserNyan The Cat Cursors
by Daniel W.17kJust for fun ;)
Aqua Green TeaserAqua Green Cursors
by Daniel W.1196A complete set of 15 aqua green theme cursors I have added a matching...
Stealth TeaserStealth Cursors
by Daniel W.7760Stealthy Black cursors I have added a matching wallpaper for this set...
Green Quartz TeaserGreen Quartz Cursors
by Daniel W.1305A gentle green with gray scheme I have added a matching wallpaper for...
Versal TeaserVersal Cursors
by Daniel W.5948I have added a matching wallpaper for this set onto my website here: ...
Stix TeaserStix Cursors
by Daniel W.597This one is just super simple. I made these some time ago but just d...
Animated Green TeaserAnimated Green Cursors
by Daniel W.1158All are animated. Please download, comment, and rate.
5 Year Teaser5 Year Cursors
by Daniel W.414My first cursor set was five years ago today!
Green Versal TeaserGreen Versal Cursors
by Daniel W.4034As per request this is a variation of my Versal set using green with ...
Contrast TeaserContrast Cursors
by Daniel W.1236It's been a while since I've made a cursor set for you all so I decid...
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
I wish there were...