Daniel W.'s Art - sets #1-40

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Icon and cursor sets by Daniel W.

Click on set heading or image to display details or download the set.

Computer Accessories TeaserComputer Accessories Cursors
by Daniel W.3305My first cursor set
Tools TeaserTools Cursors
by Daniel W.23086 Cursor set made up of tools
Garfield 'n Friends TeaserGarfield 'n Friends Cursors
by Daniel W.11kSome Garfield cursors I made
Puppy Pals TeaserPuppy Pals Cursors
by Daniel W.11kHere are some furry friends. Feedback is always appreciated, by the w...
Sports Gear TeaserSports Gear Cursors
by Daniel W.1381Balls from various sports
3d Arrows Teaser3d Arrows Cursors
by Daniel W.5692All hand made. See what you think and feel free to leave comments, p...
Dilbert And Gang TeaserDilbert And Gang Cursors
by Daniel W.1201Dilbert cursors for everybody!
Cool Red TeaserCool Red Cursors
by Daniel W.8794You might also like "Cool Blue." Just back one page.
Mystify TeaserMystify Cursors
by Daniel W.353Pinwheel cursors
Streak TeaserStreak Cursors
by Daniel W.2495Looks good against any color of background
Yellow-Green TeaserYellow-Green Cursors
by Daniel W.3939All were completely handmade. Hope you like 'em. :) I have added a m...
Sea Blue TeaserSea Blue Cursors
by Daniel W.12kI have added a matching wallpaper for this set onto my website here: ...
Blue Glass TeaserBlue Glass Cursors
by Daniel W.5972Black outlining around a slightly see-through blue theme.
Lemon Yellow TeaserLemon Yellow Cursors
by Daniel W.3352I have added a matching wallpaper for this set onto my website here: ...
Aqua TeaserAqua Cursors
by Daniel W.9604I have added a matching wallpaper for this set onto my website here: ...
Purple And Blue TeaserPurple And Blue Cursors
by Daniel W.8808Most are animated. Enjoy! I have added a matching wallpaper for this ...
Rubik's Cubes TeaserRubik's Cubes Cursors
by Daniel W.5723Does anyone else love Rubik's Cubes?
Ford Mustang Gear TeaserFord Mustang Gear Cursors
by Daniel W.1176For the Ford mustang lovers out there. I'm planning on adding more l...
Double Diamond TeaserDouble Diamond Cursors
by Daniel W.1981Looks especially good against a dark colored background.
Blazin' Blue TeaserBlazin' Blue Cursors
by Daniel W.34kAll are blue, black, and white. Some are animated. I have added a mat...
One Year TeaserOne Year Cursors
by Daniel W.3077My first cursor set was exactly one year ago today! Hope you like 'em...
Name TeaserName Cursors
by Daniel W.1768If you would like your name as a cursor, comment below with your name...
3D Objects Teaser3D Objects Cursors
by Daniel W.666Random cursors made with 3D graphics design software
Back To School TeaserBack To School Cursors
by Daniel W.796It's that time of year. Hope you like em.
Generic TeaserGeneric Cursors
by Daniel W.1024Hope you enjoy using these as much as I enjoyed making them. (c:
Icey Blue TeaserIcey Blue Cursors
by Daniel W.15kI have added a matching wallpaper for this set onto my website here: ...
Transparent Center TeaserTransparent Center Cursors
by Daniel W.2048Kinda lame but they're free so you can't complain. =)
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
I wish there were...