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minmin's profile

View minmin's timeline, last visit on July 11th 2024

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AAAH the cursors people make are so cute!!

I play identityV (im really bad at it), I love drawing and If u have any request for a drawing or cursor feel free to let me know!!

(any pronouns)

IDV id:
CN-IDV id: 55054465

Latest art

Postman IDV TeaserPostman IDV Cursors
by minmin327postman and dog cursor set!!!(i forgot her name im so sorry). I will ...

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Recent comments

user icon minmin registered user on February 11th

working on my postman from IDV cursor. why does it take me like 4 hours for PIXEL ANIMATION like :-(

how do i upload cusors

user icon minmin registered user on February 11th

im so smart i fugred it out

user icon Anonymous on February 14th

carrot juice

user icon Anonymous on May 15th


user icon Anonymous on August 26th

can you do a joseph idv cursor? :-)

user icon Anonymous
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Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?