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indapni's profile

View indapni's timeline, last visit on December 15th 2024

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Unless stated otherwise, anybody is free to use any of my cursors, anywhere they like, for anything. Mention me if you like, or don't. I'm just happy to share my artwork.

I'll put more here soon.

Also, there's these standalones, which I might create sets for.

cursor-view/207642.png imagecursor-view/207819.gif imagecursor-view/207820.png image
Sword3D SwordKetchup Pikachu

My First Set
Black Neon Pulse
cursor-view/207470.gif imagecursor-view/207687.gif imagecursor-view/207473.gif imagecursor-view/207474.gif imagecursor-view/207672.gif imagecursor-view/207673.gif imagecursor-view/207674.gif imagecursor-view/207683.gif imagecursor-view/207678.gif imagecursor-view/207679.gif imagecursor-view/207680.gif imagecursor-view/207681.gif imagecursor-view/207677.gif imagecursor-view/207682.gif imagecursor-view/207471.gif imagecursor-view/207475.gif imagecursor-view/207476.gif image

Featured art


Danger, Hot Cursors (17 cursors)

Released on March 25th 2024 by indapni

Flames, on cursors.

Mix it up?

cursor-view/207721.gif image
Blue Flames

Latest art

Cube Series TeaserCube Series Icons
by indapni92Cubic icons, a little transparency, a little toon shading, a little c...
On top of desk, desktop TeaserOn top of desk, desktop Icons
by indapni66A set of icons consisting of a few things you'd find on a desk.
Card Captors/Kawaii TeaserCard Captors/Kawaii Cursors
by indapni205Mainly Card Captors, Sakura themed, mostly pixel art, but I opted for...
Pastel Abyss TeaserPastel Abyss Cursors
by indapni707Currently a little obscure sea creature styled cursor in seven colours.
Shadow Glass TeaserShadow Glass Cursors
by indapni1555The cursor is a sleek spyglass, its lens, vague, reflecting the myste...
Monobot Scan TeaserMonobot Scan Cursors
by indapni366Predominantly a red robot hand. Kind of tried to go for a sci-fi, sca...
Sugar Drift TeaserSugar Drift Cursors
by indapni980Soft, colorful, and whimsical, evoking the appeal of sweet confection...
Minecraft 3D TeaserMinecraft 3D Cursors
by indapni1431Cubes, and mob head from Minecraft. Connect with me, INDAPNI, on Devi...
Danger, Cold TeaserDanger, Cold Cursors
by indapni374Flames, on cursors. Mix it up? |cursor-view/207648.gif |- |Orange Flames
Dark Rotating Cube TeaserDark Rotating Cube Cursors
by indapni140Rotating cubes, with mini cursors. I'm working on a set of animated M...

Show all icon and cursor sets.

Forum topics, where indapni participated

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Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on March 22nd


user icon indapni registered user on March 24th
user icon VIVEK OPest registered user on March 31st

Hey, I like the cursor theme. The animations are precise. Can you check out mine and comment on them?

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user icon Anonymous
Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?