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wronger's profile

View wronger's timeline, last visit on November 7th 2010

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Runescape Items TeaserRunescape Items Cursors
by wronger76kWeapons, armor, and cooked food, and some other items from runescape

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user icon Anonymous on November 9th 2010

please help me how do I use it ?? I have tryed almost every thing

user icon Anonymous on December 14th 2010

guys! how do his work ! it says that my adobe reader isnt good eough or somthing :S :-(

user icon Anonymous registered user on December 29th 2010

you are Supposed to use art-cursors or sib-cursor-editor
I hope this is usful

user icon Anonymous registered user on December 29th 2010

adobe reader? no! you might only not be not used to it maybe.

user icon joda64329 registered user on February 13th 2011

Nice Runescape cursors :-D

user icon Anonymous on February 21st 2011

this doesnt work help me please!!!!!

user icon Anonymous on April 17th 2011

:-( it duznt work when i dowloaded it it just puts it in my pictures u should explain to everyone how it works

user icon Anonymous on September 30th 2011


user icon Anonymous on November 23rd 2011

;-) :-) :-D :-( :-o 8-) |-) yeah buddy

user icon Anonymous on August 8th 2012

i have an ancient staff cursor ty so much!!! :-)

user icon Anonymous
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