Monty166's profile

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Monty166's profile

View Monty166's timeline, last visit on August 20th 2010

Contact card

I am a boy
I have toys in my room
I live in Utah
My bro's name is Tyson

Did you know:
I have the Hot Wheels Background and I edited it by adding the Mii Car, Annoying Orange, Annoying Apple, and text like BLOX WHEELS.

Latest art

Monty TeaserMonty Cursors
by Monty166493I know!
Fruit Time! TeaserFruit Time! Cursors
by Monty166150Hey! Sing & Sign!

Forum topics, where Monty166 participated

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Recent comments

user icon Monty166 registered user on November 8th 2009

I can't wait to make icons if I am a adult.

user icon Monty166 registered user on November 8th 2009

Hey, I can't wait to see Microsoft Office 2005.
Say "I can't wait to see Microsoft Office 2005" if you cannot wait to use Microsoft Office 2005.
I wonder why 2003 does NOT work...

user icon nrox653 registered user on December 12th 2009

Yeah, thanks for the random comment out of nowhere that you left on my Yoshi cursors page.

And FYI Office 2005 doesn't exist; 2007 has been out for YEARS and 2010 is coming out soon anyway. lern 2 cumputor

user icon Monty166 registered user on August 15th 2010

I can make icons alredey? I'm only 7 years old!

user icon nibbler forum moderator on September 6th 2016

Look. Stop making not-nice cursors.
icon-image/8295-32x32x32.png image

user icon Anonymous on October 17th

Hi it's old to meet you

user icon Anonymous
Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...