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View zachninja's timeline, last visit on March 20th 2014

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Sword Cursors (8 cursors)

Released on February 22nd 2010 by zachninja

set of swords and other stuff....... oh and a random weird thing....

Latest art

Randome Crazy TeaserRandome Crazy Cursors
by zachninja592worked pretty hard on the crazy looking one.. got lazy on the mask.. ...
Crosshair TeaserCrosshair Cursors
by zachninja514My favorite cursor set that i have made so far...
Sword TeaserSword Cursors
by zachninja2969set of swords and other stuff....... oh and a random weird thing....
green electric Teasergreen electric Cursors
by zachninja1097

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user icon Anonymous
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Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?