Cursor Set - Randome Crazy

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Randome Crazy Cursors

Randome Crazy
  • Published on July 28th 2010 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
4 out of 5 stars. (2 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

worked pretty hard on the crazy looking one.. got lazy on the mask.. and added the fading one so i could make a set out of them... lol


by zachninja

See also

NFL Teams TeaserNFL Teams Cursors
by Fizzenator2932Has a cursor for every NFL team, some even have more than one cursor.
Burning Glass TeaserBurning Glass Cursors
by winger8112Red hot glass cursors.
Holoball TeaserHoloball Cursors
by sixλxis1450A fruity coloured ball with a neat animation. I got inspiration from ...
Dark Glow TeaserDark Glow Cursors
by hikick83202A set of darkness emitting cursors.
White Black TeaserWhite Black Cursors
by Sirea2013Complete cursor set in white-black style. Made from torus and pyramids.

Recent reviews and comments

user icon dark tyr 3 registered user on August 12th 2010

4.5 out of 5 stars.

the first one is awsome though not practial good for showing your friends 4.5 stars because you were lazy on the 2nd one make more plz

user icon Erik registered user on September 12th 2011

3.5 out of 5 stars.

Incomplete, I dont like incomplete cursors :-(

user icon Anonymous