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Fizzenator's profile

View Fizzenator's timeline, last visit on November 29th 2012

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I stopped making cursor's and I loved the program alot, and will use it whenever I feel like it... Thanks R-W Design! :-)

Featured art


Smileys Cursors (10 cursors)

Released on July 29th 2010 by Fizzenator

Its worth downloading them all save yourself the trouble of downloading one when you can show off all of them to your friends n family! Hope you enjoy them as much as i do! :-D Best set ever created!

Latest art

Smileys TeaserSmileys Cursors
by Fizzenator793Its worth downloading them all save yourself the trouble of downloadi...
Coffee TeaserCoffee Cursors
by Fizzenator879Has some of the namebrand coffee in it... hope you enjoy your coffee! :D
NFL Teams TeaserNFL Teams Cursors
by Fizzenator2905Has a cursor for every NFL team, some even have more than one cursor.
Crosshair & Guns TeaserCrosshair & Guns Cursors
by Fizzenator1439I know some people rely lik to hav crosshairs as there cursor so... h...
Sports TeaserSports Cursors
by Fizzenator1180I can always add more sports, just tell me. These one's are some of t...
The Beach TeaserThe Beach Cursors
by Fizzenator459yes i know there aren't very many, comment on my profile to tell me m...
Unique Weapons TeaserUnique Weapons Cursors
by Fizzenator1578You are going to love them, there's a sword in there for you! Just wa...
Lava Lamp TeaserLava Lamp Cursors
by Fizzenator384Lava Lamps!
Mist TeaserMist Cursors
by Fizzenator3893So so sry about the previous cursor set! I fixed them so no trouble w...
Army TeaserArmy Cursors
by Fizzenator937Comment on my profile if you want me to add more...

Show all icon and cursor sets.

Forum topics, where Fizzenator participated

Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on October 15th 2010

you need to get some better cursors dude this is amateur work

user icon Fizzenator registered user on October 18th 2010

... ok watever, i don't do cursors anymore, stopped. I do have potions, eletricity, and a few others to put in... But since its crap my's well not, huh? The beach is crap the lava lamps r crap... everything else i think is decent

user icon Anonymous registered user on November 19th 2010

cool larva lamps I have one at home

user icon Fizzenator registered user on March 8th 2011

i'm sry there are some errors with the images, i could probably fix them if u want me 2... Thanks for ur comments!

user icon Anonymous on November 13th 2011

Can u make a Virginia Tech cursor :-D

user icon Anonymous on February 6th 2012

Hey can you make a cursor that has a volleyball on it!?!?!?! Thanks!! :-)

user icon Fizzenator registered user on October 31st 2012

I counted 73033 cursor downloads. I will begin working on cursors again.

user icon littlelego registered user on April 18th 2017

could u make a purple lava lamp that has bright orange blobs? thx! :-D

user icon Anonymous
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Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...