Fizzenator's Art - sets #1-15

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Icon and cursor sets by Fizzenator

Click on set heading or image to display details or download the set.

Fizz TeaserFizz Cursors
by Fizzenator2710Fizzenator wants to introduce to you his set of cursor's, fixed and f...
Darkness TeaserDarkness Cursors
by Fizzenator4587This is set was really just kind of winged and there was no concrete ...
350z Teaser350z Cursors
by Fizzenator991I've took some of the stupid looking logo's and added some more Z's a...
Stylies TeaserStylies Cursors
by Fizzenator2604I'm sure one of these is your color :)
Sparklies TeaserSparklies Cursors
by Fizzenator4471Has changing colors around them
Army TeaserArmy Cursors
by Fizzenator937Comment on my profile if you want me to add more...
Mist TeaserMist Cursors
by Fizzenator3894So so sry about the previous cursor set! I fixed them so no trouble w...
Unique Weapons TeaserUnique Weapons Cursors
by Fizzenator1578You are going to love them, there's a sword in there for you! Just wa...
The Beach TeaserThe Beach Cursors
by Fizzenator459yes i know there aren't very many, comment on my profile to tell me m...
Sports TeaserSports Cursors
by Fizzenator1180I can always add more sports, just tell me. These one's are some of t...
Crosshair & Guns TeaserCrosshair & Guns Cursors
by Fizzenator1439I know some people rely lik to hav crosshairs as there cursor so... h...
NFL Teams TeaserNFL Teams Cursors
by Fizzenator2905Has a cursor for every NFL team, some even have more than one cursor.
Coffee TeaserCoffee Cursors
by Fizzenator879Has some of the namebrand coffee in it... hope you enjoy your coffee! :D
Smileys TeaserSmileys Cursors
by Fizzenator793Its worth downloading them all save yourself the trouble of downloadi...
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
I wish there were...