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Biker's profile

View Biker's timeline, last visit on June 19th 2024

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Name:Robert Harter

Just a burned out Mechanic,Machinist. Finding other ways to stay busy in my head, Insanity may be closer than I think! LOL. Disabled now, building cars and bike's took it's toil on my body. No regrets, lots of fun, fast cars, bikes and women!!

Featured art


Cast Iron Cursors (14 cursors)

Released on March 2nd 2010 by Biker

Latest art

4 Colors 2 Hues Teaser4 Colors 2 Hues Icons
by Biker227Apple, of my eye. Star, artist. Paint, storage. Heart, as it has alwa...
Office Items Of PI TeaserOffice Items Of PI Icons
by Biker114Stretching my wings, new and older Icons. or stuff that may be in a p...
Its In The Timing TeaserIts In The Timing Cursors
by Biker227Modified busy or working in background dots, clocks and crazy dancing...
B&P Beizer shaping TeaserB&P Beizer shaping Cursors
by Biker647shaping with Bezier affect. Animated and static except for the precis...
Gold Bling TeaserGold Bling Cursors
by Biker2155^^^^^^^^^^^^ GOLD in them there cursors.
Ideas For Flame affect TeaserIdeas For Flame affect Cursors
by Biker397The flame affect is a new thank for me Learning to adjust it to get d...
Ice Cold TeaserIce Cold Cursors
by Biker9796Cold look:frosty,cold enough to burn
Hot And Cold TeaserHot And Cold Cursors
by Biker262Trying the Flame Button
world and stuff Teaserworld and stuff Cursors
by Biker177cold cursors: burning 666: Spining world: hover craft..
Use What You Can TeaserUse What You Can Icons
by Biker229Odds and inns of my Icon work

Show all icon and cursor sets.

Forum topics, where Biker participated

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user icon Anonymous on June 1st


user icon Anonymous
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Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?