EliteAssassin8's profile

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EliteAssassin8's profile

View EliteAssassin8's timeline, last visit on September 4th 2010

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I just got booted from my band so Im a full-fledged computer geek (in my opinion) so for now, Im gonna be trying to help and have fun on the web so check out my stuff! (Im kinda new to icon making but Il get better ;))

Latest art

Kukri Galore XD TeaserKukri Galore XD Cursors
by EliteAssassin8837A buncha kukri cursors because they're EPIC!!! And if you dont know w...
Halo and Misc. TeaserHalo and Misc. Icons
by EliteAssassin8701Just some icons i made for myself that i thought I'd share for those ...

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Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?