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Modern-Clix's profile

View Modern-Clix's timeline, last visit on February 7th 2013

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I work constantly on graphic designing software for fun, and for work. I use Photoshop, GIMP, and of course, RealWorld Cursor Editor. I like smooth, simple designs, but also fall for complex mechanisms. Such as in art, or actual settings. You may find that much of my content is one of these 2 themes. Hopefully my content is to your liking...

Featured art


Formium 56 Cursors (15 cursors)

Released on June 26th 2011 by Modern-Clix

The Formium 56 set includes skins for every single cursor! Each cursor transforms from the first cursor: Basis. If you are to download a single cursor, download Basis as well. That way, the effects will work properly.

Latest art

Formium 56 TeaserFormium 56 Cursors
by Modern-Clix1035The Formium 56 set includes skins for every single cursor! Each curso...
Formium 81 TeaserFormium 81 Cursors
by Modern-Clix1231A Cursor set that TRANSFORMS between cursors! It was a blast to make,...

Forum topics, where Modern-Clix participated

Recent comments

user icon Zack_Leonhart registered user on August 20th 2011

Thks 4the rate ;D

user icon Modern-Clix registered user on January 13th 2013

Im making a new Formium set called Formium X. It will be awesome!

user icon Anonymous
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?