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WebUploader's profile

View WebUploader's timeline, last visit on December 12th 2011

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Name:Mason Marchant

Enjoy my uploads and don't forget to follow me on Twitter by clicking the link above.

Featured art


Orange Cursors (11 cursors)

Released on August 18th 2011 by WebUploader

A simple set of cool orange cursors.

Latest art

Orange TeaserOrange Cursors
by WebUploader1958A simple set of cool orange cursors.
Advanced TeaserAdvanced Cursors
by WebUploader607A set of advanced and with different looks.
Program TeaserProgram Icons
by WebUploader1742A set of 3D Program Icons.

Forum topics, where WebUploader participated

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Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?