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TCRtributes's profile

View TCRtributes's timeline, last visit on February 25th 2012

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Hello! my name is Tyler Rossi, I am currently 17 years old, I go too a normal high school, as well as a BOCES Tech School, for a Cisco Computer Networking course. This course is a 2 year course, when i finish i will have my Cisco Certified Networking Associates Degree!!.. After high school, I plan on going to a community college. And then transferring to a university to pursue my Doctorate's degree in Psychology! (PsY.D)My interests consist of a variety of things, I enjoy online gaming, Skateboarding, randomly browsing the computer for knowledge gain. Hanging out with my friends, graphic design, programming. Just too much to name!
***This account I am using for tributes. TCRcreations exhibits all of my own designs.

Featured art


Kingdom Hearts Icons (5 icons)

Released on February 25th 2012 by TCRtributes

Hello everyone!
This is TCRcreations tribute account! I will be posting HD Icons for you all to enjoy! Tonight I am bringing you a Kingdom Hearts Icon Theme. I hope you all have fun with this one :-D
I DO NOT own the right to any image depicted as an icon above, Copyright of respected owners.

Latest art

RuneScape Logo TeaserRuneScape Logo Icons
by TCRtributes703Hello everyone! Here are some RuneScape, HD Icon designs for you! I h...
Kingdom Hearts TeaserKingdom Hearts Icons
by TCRtributes963Hello everyone! This is TCRcreations tribute account! I will be posti...

Forum topics, where TCRtributes participated

Recent comments

user icon TCRcreations registered user on April 13th 2015

This account is copying my account claiming he owns my designs. Look at the dates mine were uploaded compared to this one this is a fake account. I will happily send anyone an email from my email address (the one on here) and prove that. He is using my email saying it is his.

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
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What about ICL files?