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View grotesquemess's timeline, last visit on July 8th 2018

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I create cursors when I am bored :-)

Featured art


Rainbow Splash Cursors (15 cursors)

Released on October 2nd 2012 by grotesquemess

Third SET created :-D hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them.

Latest art

Rainbow Splash TeaserRainbow Splash Cursors
by grotesquemess1098Third SET created :D hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making ...
Red And Black TeaserRed And Black Cursors
by grotesquemess3265I hope you like them, second set created.
Colorful Smoking TeaserColorful Smoking Cursors
by grotesquemess1500Second release, just made a few quick cursors. Hope you enjoy them. S...
Smoking Swords TeaserSmoking Swords Cursors
by grotesquemess2207First cursors I've made. Hope you like them.

Forum topics, where grotesquemess participated

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Recent comments

user icon ZeloZelos registered user on October 24th 2012

hi, saw your comment recently and decided to send you an answer. i use a 3d animation program called Blender and actually build models of the cursors and animate them. Then I use rwcursor to put them together and add any shadows or extra effects.

user icon Anonymous on January 12th 2015

I really love what you do....
However most of them are designed for right-handed people only.
I am a left-handed guy and I would really appreciate if you could design them for left-handed people also.

user icon Anonymous on March 2nd 2021


user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
What about ICL files?