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CaptainChromium's profile

View CaptainChromium's timeline, last visit on April 21st 2013

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I like art and stuff and making cursors I guess :I

Featured art


Sword (And an arrow) Cursors Icons (4 icons)

Released on April 20th 2013 by CaptainChromium

The 3 swords are free to be altered, but not redistributed. (You can do what you please to the ugly heart arrow) I just love swords hehe~

Latest art

Sword (And an arrow) Cursors TeaserSword (And an arrow) Cursors Icons
by CaptainChromium1193The 3 swords are free to be altered, but not redistributed. (You can ...

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Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?