lunchbubbles's profile

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lunchbubbles's profile

View lunchbubbles's timeline, last visit on June 11th 2021

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lunchbubbles's picture

lesbian // 18 // autistic (diagnosed)

I post more on my Tumblr and Deviantart nowadays, same username.
I'll pop in, but I likely wont be as active on RWD as I used to be when I was maybe 14-15. (Heck, I'm 18 now!)

Though, I do like visiting the website I spent most of my teen years on.

Featured art


Voltron Cursors (9 cursors)

Released on October 3rd 2017 by lunchbubbles

A set of Voltron cursors bc!! I hecking love Voltron!!

Latest art

Smiley TeaserSmiley Cursors
by lunchbubbles131
new Teasernew Cursors
by lunchbubbles91dont download, actually, because i just needs the thumbnails then the...
Food + Drinks TeaserFood + Drinks Cursors
by lunchbubbles581
Homestuck TeaserHomestuck Cursors
by lunchbubbles150Homestuck Cursors!
LGBT+ Pride [PRIDE2021 Update/Overhaul!] TeaserLGBT+ Pride [PRIDE2021 Update/Overhaul!] Cursors
by lunchbubbles2836If you don't see your flag here please!! message me!! I'll add it as ...
Occasional TeaserOccasional Cursors
by lunchbubbles43A cursor for every occasion! Please message me if you'd like somethin...
Voltron TeaserVoltron Cursors
by lunchbubbles280A set of Voltron cursors bc!! I hecking love Voltron!!
Heathers TeaserHeathers Cursors
by lunchbubbles122A Heathers cursor set!
Misc TeaserMisc Cursors
by lunchbubbles564Misc cursors Don\\\'t ask about the Mc F*ck cursor, it\\\'s an inside...
Animated Misc TeaserAnimated Misc Cursors
by lunchbubbles709Misc cursors

Show all icon and cursor sets.

Forum topics, where lunchbubbles participated

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Recent comments

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user icon lunchbubbles registered user on October 5th 2017

Thank you for apologizing, I forgive you. :-)

user icon CRu1212 registered user on October 9th 2017

your so Cool heck YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D smiley cursors ar cool.

user icon Anonymous on October 9th 2017

thisis bread! im on my phone rn! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

user icon CRu1212 registered user on October 9th 2017


are you there????

How do you make a cursors??

user icon Rick Fan Morty registered user on October 11th 2017

cool cursors my dude 8-)

user icon TyranicalRex registered user on October 24th 2017

What is you wixsite?

user icon TyranicalRex registered user on May 10th 2018

What is your website? :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o

user icon ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ contributing user on May 20th 2018

Amazing Cursors icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

user icon lunchbubbles registered user on June 2nd 2021

i havent been on in forever! hello! :O

user icon lunchbubbles registered user on June 2nd 2021

also, i kiinda. ditched my wix site,,, :-(
i never use it anymore.

but, i use tumblr and deviantart!

user icon Anonymous
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Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?