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G-Tanky's profile

View G-Tanky's timeline, last visit on April 16th 2021

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(Original) Jenai (Val) Cursors (9 cursors)

Released on May 23rd 2019 by G-Tanky

Hello Jenai is a twitch streamer that specializes on games. Especially Brawlhalla which he mains Val on it so I made him a Val Cursor Set.
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jenai2003
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8FwQJZnDQknuAlLHq_SLwg
Me: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7-N2RlRgKrU-JLTzXANazw?view_as=subscriber

Latest art

(Original) Jenai (Val) Teaser(Original) Jenai (Val) Cursors
by G-Tanky1271Hello Jenai is a twitch streamer that specializes on games. Especiall...
(Original) Noxro's (half) Teaser(Original) Noxro's (half) Cursors
by G-Tanky46kThe set isnt full yet the other cursors will be added in the near fut...
(Original) Battlefield Heroes Teaser(Original) Battlefield Heroes Cursors
by G-Tanky799Now Realy full.
Battlefield Heroes full TeaserBattlefield Heroes full Cursors
by G-Tanky505After 3 days of hard work it is finally here enjoy :D

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What about ICL files?
I wish there were...
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