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View Page's timeline, last visit on March 31st 2021

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Welcome! I'm Page Clark I'm an Awesome 5th grader who makes cursors also If you want to talk about my cursor in a youtube/ social media video, please contact me at or send me a private message
If you want to send cursor requests, please send me a private message on this website or email me at and to message me on twitter my twitter is PageClark

Have a wonderful day/night!

-Page Clark. 5th grade

Latest art

Computer Browser TeaserComputer Browser Cursors
by Page290These are many computer browsers used by many people in the world and...
8bit Classic Faces Teaser8bit Classic Faces Cursors
by Page84These are classic 8bit arcade faces made into cursors I hope you enjo...
random Teaserrandom Cursors
by Page298these cursors are random cursors pick out by page clark to make this set
8bit arcade game Teaser8bit arcade game Cursors
by Page1243these cursors are old arcade game characters from the 80s or 90s made...
8bit arcade game Teaser8bit arcade game Cursors
by Page1631these cursors are old arcade game characters from the 80s or 90s made...
8bit arcade game Teaser8bit arcade game Cursors
by Page1114these cursors are old arcade game characters from the 80s or 90s made...
Dig Dug TeaserDig Dug Cursors
by Page122These are Dig Dug Cursors the classic arcade game made in 1982 on Apr...
Classic Colors TeaserClassic Colors Cursors
by Page132this is a set made with four different classic colored cursors I hope...

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user icon nibbler forum moderator on May 10th 2019

Welcome to RealWorld Graphics! icon-image/14486-16x16x32.png image

user icon Anonymous
Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?