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View yay's timeline, last visit on July 26th 2020

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Mario Maker 2 Cursors (12 cursors)

Released on June 12th 2020 by yay

please,you must know that this is not complete,in the near future i will add some more in other styles and i'm not good at this
that's it
bad cursors yey

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Mario Maker 2 TeaserMario Maker 2 Cursors
by yay1392please,you must know that this is not complete,in the near future i w...
kirby's enemies Teaserkirby's enemies Cursors
by yay697just some random kirby enemies
kirby Teaserkirby Cursors
by yay15kwe can work togheter (as user and "cursor creator",i'm not that good ...

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user icon yay registered user on May 31st 2020

that's so lovely of you
i mean,i gave you hope with "that's a possibility",i didn't thought you would be so excited for it,i'm sorry
and i'm sorry again for the long delays

user icon eeveelover64 registered user on May 31st 2020

it's ok, i'm not experienced w/ making sprite animations AT ALL so ur fine! :-D 8-)

user icon yay registered user on May 31st 2020


user icon yay registered user on July 26th 2020

just a question:
would you guys rather to me post cursors one by one,or everything at the same time?

user icon Anonymous on March 29th 2022

ratio :-D :-D :-D :-D :-( :-( :-( :-( :-o :-o :-o 8-) 8-) 8-) |-) |-) |-) ;-) ;-) ;-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

user icon eeveelover64 registered user on March 29th 2022

everything at the same time if u can :V

user icon Anonymous on July 23rd 2022

dang, he\she was last seen at 2020 Hope that he\she is doing fine :-(

user icon Anonymous on February 3rd 2023

probably just taking a break

user icon eeveelover64 registered user on February 3rd 2023

or just forgot about the website in general lmao

user icon Anonymous on February 21st 2023


user icon Anonymous
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