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View neil's timeline, last visit on February 11th 2021

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pikachu Teaserpikachu Cursors
by neil2752

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user icon hornycow registered user on October 20th 2020


user icon neil registered user on November 21st 2020


user icon Huh_ registered user on November 23rd 2020

Your last cursor set is literally a copy of other person, he commented in the set you made. I don't think you could copy other people cursors, but if you can, then at least credit them. If you don't credit him and apologize, i'll contact with the site administrator to ban your account. That excuse that you can't make cursors because your'e a kid makes no sense. I'm sure you didn't even try

user icon Anonymous on November 24th 2020

I fully agree with Huh_ You should have known what you were doing take full responsibility next time

user icon neil registered user on February 9th 2021

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

user icon HusenPo registered user on July 3rd

bro, your actions are truly disgraceful

but don't worry, as long as you don't break the law you are safe, btw I plan to change the product licenses all to a more strict mode

see the original >>>Pikachu Set is made by HusenPo

cursor-view/55501.png image

user icon Anonymous
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