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Enza's profile

View Enza's timeline, last visit on August 21st 2009

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Latest art

Enza's Costume Jewelry  TeaserEnza's Costume Jewelry Icons
by Enza677Comments appreciated. =)
Enza's Pool Ball TeaserEnza's Pool Ball Icons
by Enza2840complete pool ball set. Let me know what you think. =)
Enza's Circus TeaserEnza's Circus Icons
by Enza659Let me know what you think, thanks =)
Enza's Color Swirls TeaserEnza's Color Swirls Icons
by Enza1235these work well with dark backgrounds. =)
Enza's Orb Portals TeaserEnza's Orb Portals Icons
by Enza1571Let me know what you think =)
Enza's Orbicons TeaserEnza's Orbicons Icons
by Enza1373Simple, clean Orb icons. Enjoy. =)
Enza's Alien Bubblecons TeaserEnza's Alien Bubblecons Icons
by Enza626Simple clean large icons. Enjoy =)

Forum topics, where Enza participated

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Recent comments

user icon sixλxis forum moderator on August 2nd 2009

You like to make alot of Icon sets, if you want me to help ask me sometime. :-D

user icon Anonymous on December 21st 2010

Excellent on the Billiard set...I love it!

user icon Anonymous on February 22nd 2011

Could you make a white cue ball for this set? Thank you these are great!

user icon Anonymous
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What about ICL files?
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons