Can you please make an Oxy Set with Hex #33AD7A?
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Can you please make an Oxy Set with Hex #33AD7A?
dim premium prismatic cursors are my favorite
Hey please, could you upload the DIM v4 full premium set? It will be great as I'm looking for v4 DIM everywhere and you seem the one who can help me.
I like your cursors!!!
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Make more plssssssssssssssssssssssss
'Epicccccccccccc cursors
Do you by any chance have the bonus cursors for DIM Primismatic? They are included in the V4 set.
please make a black/white version
hello, please don't steal any more blueguy cursors. It's okay to offer his regular cursors with credit (which you have), but the premium ones are paid and it is unethical to offer them for free.
Thank you for keeping to offer premium ones on this greedy world we live in. Such a mess when they force you to pay for a couple of premium ones pixels.
yoooo me gutsa
This is really good this is my 2nd favorite by the way my name is Hugo Sebastian B. Minoza
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