Unknown author (2011-10-05 23:30:57):
Hey, that's nice! jojois74 (2011-10-06 02:08:54 / 4.5 stars):
These are really good. The only thing that is bad is that some of them are too dark to see the details. Unknown author (2011-10-08 16:44:20):
Thanks Unknown author (2011-10-08 20:03:52):
awesome ***** for you i meant that as five star by the way Cameron (2011-11-04 10:41:50 / 4.5 stars):
i love the glow on these cdl (2011-11-04 18:28:22 / 4 stars):
Ricon (2011-11-06 14:52:51 / 4 stars):
Alternate and Normal look the same, Daniel W. (2011-11-06 17:26:40):
Try a browser that shows animations Unknown author (2011-12-28 21:23:09):
4/5 > will dream. Spy (2012-02-01 22:46:30 / 4 stars):
They are kinda boring. Make them more interesting or get rid of the black. This set is complete though so I am giving you 4 stars. Unknown author (2012-02-18 05:21:18):
yea make more intres ting Lost Girl (2012-02-29 04:39:42 / 5 stars):
Nice! I really like it! You seem to favour the glowing edges though, don't you? You manage to incorporate it into every one of your creations! I like your 2-D wrok though. 5/5 mr.marshburn (2012-05-14 23:28:50 / 5 stars):
awesssome ya buddy i am using them AmberZen (2012-09-24 23:28:26 / 5 stars):
these are nice too! grotesquemess (2012-10-01 03:50:42 / 4.5 stars):
These are very nice, nice color mix grotesquemess (2012-10-03 23:01:19):
I am downloading these they seem to go well with my wallpaper :P cdl (2013-03-21 09:36:01):
Grayscale and blue, aside from the color they look a little like another of your sets.. They should go well with a lot of wallpaper themes. Very nice again.. you make nice cursor sets for sure! PolinaO (2013-06-06 22:36:42 / 5 stars):
Very, very cool! Unknown author (2013-06-14 09:03:09):
As if these r boring. I LOVE THEM! Unknown author (2013-08-10 05:12:31):
How to put your cursors and use it>>??? Unknown author (2013-10-24 03:02:41):
DIIIIIZZZZY Unknown author (2015-03-28 20:32:35):
8-)cul Unknown author (2015-04-11 17:11:25):
GREAT!!! JacK (2015-07-19 12:55:25 / 4.5 stars):
These cursors look really cool. You should make them in different colors Marcel (2015-11-23 13:34:28 / 5 stars):
cool cursor i rate ☆☆☆☆☆ star's, hey you should make in red color for them! Unknown author (2016-01-31 15:30:53):
very good AJaxx (2016-02-28 00:38:05 / 4.5 stars):
I really like these. Not a fan of the blue outline though. This is a good set to remix and make even better. Nice job! Unknown author (2016-10-22 22:59:01):
Cool, I like it alot! Unknown author (2019-12-29 10:31:02):
Cool Cursor! Unknown author (2020-06-26 01:46:49):
Wow- I love these. These are perfect if you want a good cursor. Unknown author (2021-01-08 18:32:03):
daora mas muito chamativo Unknown author (2021-05-13 11:38:38):
Tqvm. it is so nice Unknown author (2022-01-31 08:10:30):
dude ur cursors are too good i wanna die Augusto (2022-06-14 00:43:28 / 0.5 stars):
Ita:i colori stanno male insieme e alcune animazioni sono troppo veloci Helldude (2023-05-01 09:27:10 / 5 stars):
i love this set cause its shadow and its gray keep up your good work. Unknown author (2024-06-10 03:57:06):
melo pa |