jojois74 (2011-12-05 00:21:40 / 4 stars):
nice job. there are only four of them, though. and they all look the same. except for the rainbow. ZeloZelos (2011-12-05 03:34:58):
jojois74 theres a 5th i think thats all for the set. Unknown author (2011-12-05 22:52:06):
Your icons are cool but can you do a little more with the rainbow? Awesome Cursors!! absterninja (2011-12-06 04:34:21 / 4.5 stars):
Adorable! I love the little rainbows. Not much to critique...perfect hotspots which are hard to do, and I love the design. If you ever have some extra time, you could turn these into a full set. Great Job! ZeloZelos (2011-12-07 07:19:13):
rw cursor editor makes it easy to get the hotspots right. I just use the hotspot tool and occasionally i will need to change the location of the hotspot in the image (move the camera or the layer). Thank you guys for the positive responses. Unknown author (2011-12-10 16:37:13):
i dont know how to install it ;( Unknown author (2011-12-14 19:29:43):
i don't know how to use it...!!! ZeloZelos (2011-12-15 20:28:14):
To "install" its simple, unzip to c:/windows/cursors, right click on your deskttop click personalize, mouse, click the pointer tab, select the pointer you want 2 change, its that simple. ((keep in mind, those instructions are from Windows Vista, you may need to adjust a little depending on you os, but it will be very similar)also you can goto the control panel, click on mouse, then the pointer tab. but it is necessary to put the cursors in that particular folder)) Unknown author (2011-12-21 08:52:13):
Iam so freaking happy about mu new cursor it looks so awsome what a great web site tata for now. :- Lost Girl (2012-02-16 00:13:02 / 4.5 stars):
I like the way they are animated. It takes time and patience to do that. Also, a really good program like the intallable Realworld graphics cursor maker. I like how they look. Daniel W. (2012-09-27 22:19:28 / 4.5 stars):
Really nice. I especially like your animation in the rainbow reveal one. It would be nice if you had one for every role. AmberZen (2013-02-01 23:17:02 / 2.5 stars):
If you wanted to improve the set more vibrant colors would be a good start. Unknown author (2015-01-23 15:24:51):
I thin these are really cool froggirl7now (2016-02-10 16:09:47 / 5 stars):
rainbow Unknown author (2016-04-19 04:49:17):