bubbles47 (2013-03-02 04:23:10):
they're invisible too!?! DJDavid98 (2013-03-02 10:21:04):
Only invisible because the website doesn't support displaying inverted cursors. Download and see fro yourself, or take a look at http://djdavidhu.deviantart.com/art/Inverter-cursors-211289548 JdP (2013-03-03 05:03:45 / 4.5 stars):
this is really tricky! i like it but its hard to see sometimes when its on top of something with a lot of different colors. I don't know how you did that but its cool. DJDavid98 (2013-03-03 05:29:03):
Thanks Daniel! cdl (2013-03-03 05:38:56 / 3 stars):
think I will pass and just take my button on this one.. I do have a rather logical question for you though, why would you post them here if this website doesn't support displaying them? DJDavid98 (2013-03-03 05:51:14):
It still does support downloading. HNMunchey (2013-03-07 17:25:48 / 1 stars):
Sorry, I just can't see them and i'm scared to download them because they are invisable. DJDavid98 (2013-03-07 18:15:14):
Giving a one star for that is just plain stupid. I provided links to previews twice. deadly bro (2013-03-17 17:24:30):
i won't rate,can't see ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2013-03-19 17:24:17):
Awesome!!! Unknown author (2016-08-27 12:17:21):
How do I create inverted cursors myself - do I need to modify the software? DJDavid98 (2016-08-27 12:32:33):
I think you have to use a specific color throughout the entire cursor, if I remember correctly it's 0,0,0,0 (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) NoobGamrrr22 (2020-10-12 09:33:03 / 5 stars):
nice mckristiyan28 (2021-04-28 21:44:33 / 4 stars):
How do you invert them? Unknown author (2021-05-24 19:40:20):
yay |