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J (2015-07-06 13:05:23):

Sorry friends,
This will be my last set for this year because I've got a load of study in school ahead.
so i'll be busy.
But don't worry I'll try to publish new sets in the middle of the year.
:-D 8-)

Acrux (2015-07-06 15:34:40 / 4.5 stars):

Well now this is definitely a great looking bunch,colors go great together ,,and i must compliment you on the transitions of your animations ,very smooth stuff.got a great flow to it. I'm sticking with a 4.5 nice work
As for you ,,good luck with those studies coming up


LazarheaD (2015-07-06 18:46:26 / 4.5 stars):

This blows... me away, man!

Jazz (2015-07-07 03:07:34 / 5 stars):

áaaaáh man J your sooo good at cursors man. good luk in your studies, i wish you well. These cursors blow me away like leaf, the design is faboulously good/great. WAYYYYYY BETTER THAN MINE!! Cheers

J (2015-07-07 14:35:07):

Thanks folks 8-)
I feel very motivated to improve consistently
Due to your appreciation.
Thanks for the 'good luck' as well

Mahlzeit (2015-07-10 12:52:15 / 5 stars):

These are amazing please make more like this :D:D
i give 5 stars amazing :-D

J (2015-07-10 17:05:16):

Thanks Goku.

Mr X (2015-07-14 21:09:20 / 5 stars):

good work

JacK (2015-07-15 04:39:10 / 5 stars):

This is an awesome set you have created, very good. Good Luck with those studies. :-D

cdl (2015-07-15 09:27:30 / 5 stars):

icon-image/10420-64x64x32.png image icon-image/8424-32x32x32.png image
Amazing cursor set!

J (2015-07-15 09:33:39):

Thanks for that folks

AndrielSouza123 (2015-07-24 07:37:58 / 5 stars):

adorei o cursor

J (2015-07-26 16:12:50):

obrigado andrielsouza123

J (2015-08-03 15:43:13):

Thanks friends 1000 downloads
:-D :-) 8-)

Unknown author (2015-08-04 14:35:47):

wow make more of these

Unknown author (2016-09-18 10:40:56):


Unknown author (2016-11-29 06:57:30):

how do u install it tho i know i sound like a nub but yeah?

highmystica (2017-05-05 08:35:23 / 4.5 stars):

No clue ... where are these from? Friggin' cool!

Kinda helps if I add the review, huh?

Unknown author (2017-09-09 20:45:33):

Awesome cursors.
Download - Unzip (Extract) to the Cusors folder in the OS - go to pointer options and set each piece manually - name it - apply - click on close button.
This method works for all zip files.
If you do it from another location, lets say the desktop the set or should I say pointer may not want to stay visible.

The Cursors folder is My computer - Local Disk - Windows - Cursors

For some My Computer may be This PC. These are under File Explorer.

Unknown author (2020-05-29 00:32:23):

valeu ficou muito bom

abdillahindo (2020-08-03 14:51:22 / 5 stars):


Unknown author (2020-08-31 22:43:42):

muito bom e bonito

Unknown author (2020-09-30 09:12:58):

awesome sword

Unknown author (2020-10-16 09:09:00):

Keep a straight sword cursor but I liked it

Unknown author (2020-12-15 08:49:54):

it is the best sword ever

Unknown author (2020-12-18 04:05:56):


Unknown author (2020-12-22 06:13:37):

how do you get it?

ⓟⓘⓚⓐⓒⓗⓤⓡⓤⓢ (2021-01-17 13:36:35 / 5 stars):


Unknown author (2021-01-31 19:30:56):

Awesommmmme man 1000000000000000000 stars out of 5 8-) :-o :-D❤❤❤❤

Unknown author (2021-03-01 15:42:11):

Awwwwwwsoooommmee coooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllll bbbbbbbbroooooooooo

Unknown author (2021-10-11 19:41:20):

I love it! Totally cool!!!

Unknown author (2021-10-20 11:49:40):

cool sword

Unknown author (2022-03-31 14:40:29):

Better for windows 7

Unknown author (2023-01-10 07:51:25):

best sword ever

Unknown author (2023-12-19 02:38:19):

If you don't know how to get a cursor: When you download a cursor go to this app called change the mouse pointer display or speed. the app is probably auto downloaded on to your computer but if it's a mobile device idk how to do that. They're will be 4 buttons on the top left corner click on pointers button then go to browse at the bottom right corner Then go to then go to the this pc button at about the bottom left corner then you will see the downloads button the click it the press the open button at the bottom right corner then tap o n the cursor you want to add as your cursor and press the open button in the bottom left corner then it will take you back to the app then press ok or apply somewhere on the very bottom

Unknown author (2024-10-04 19:51:57):

can u pls make a red verson

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