Cursor Set - Sword Of The Mystic Blader

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Sword Of The Mystic Blader Cursors

Sword Of The Mystic Blader
  • Published on July 6th 2015 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
4.9 out of 5 stars. (11 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

rsrc/glow.png image

Here we go!
A full set dedicated to a single sword.
This set has got quite a lot elements that resemble the main idea of my fictional character The Mystic Blader.

The mystic blader is a skilled warrior who is both technologically and magically proficient.
He is a fantastic warrior who uses both technology and magic together to fight against evil.
The image that you see above is actually the force field inducer that is created by him and grants him power and a strong shield.

Also feel free to check out my other swords on the link:

And remember to rate the set before downloading.

Tags: Character Technology Sword Fantasy ■ Blue


by J

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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon Anonymous on December 22nd 2020

how do you get it?

user icon ⓟⓘⓚⓐⓒⓗⓤⓡⓤⓢ registered user on January 17th 2021

5 out of 5 stars.


user icon Anonymous on January 31st 2021

Awesommmmme man 1000000000000000000 stars out of 5 8-) :-o :-D❤❤❤❤

user icon Anonymous on March 1st 2021

Awwwwwwsoooommmee coooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllll bbbbbbbbroooooooooo

user icon Anonymous on October 11th 2021

I love it! Totally cool!!!

user icon Anonymous on October 20th 2021

cool sword

user icon Anonymous on March 31st 2022

Better for windows 7

user icon Anonymous on January 10th 2023

best sword ever

user icon Anonymous on December 19th 2023

If you don't know how to get a cursor: When you download a cursor go to this app called change the mouse pointer display or speed. the app is probably auto downloaded on to your computer but if it's a mobile device idk how to do that. They're will be 4 buttons on the top left corner click on pointers button then go to browse at the bottom right corner Then go to then go to the this pc button at about the bottom left corner then you will see the downloads button the click it the press the open button at the bottom right corner then tap o n the cursor you want to add as your cursor and press the open button in the bottom left corner then it will take you back to the app then press ok or apply somewhere on the very bottom

user icon Anonymous on October 4th 2024

can u pls make a red verson

user icon Anonymous