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Unknown author (2015-11-28 22:04:25):

Cool you just upload em!

amazing ;-)

cdl (2015-11-28 23:12:11 / 4 stars):

This set is different. Just a hint of color.
icon-image/8400-32x32x32.png image

Unknown author (2015-11-29 11:25:12):

hi guys I love to do some of the icon its colourful 8-) 8-) 8-)

ETHANWEEGEE (2015-11-29 16:31:42):

I can't work with texture like THAT.

nibbler (2015-12-03 20:18:14 / 5 stars):

Nice Set!
Isn't there a move cursor?

ETHANWEEGEE (2015-12-05 00:32:16):

Yes there is, I just forgot it. I'll add it in.

Unknown author (2015-12-23 17:07:56):

Nice i love this.

MinecraftGirl1227 (2016-02-15 04:02:25 / 1 stars):

These are pretty good, but just two questions, why is the color on the border only, and what logo is this?? Other than that, where is the move one? I noticed that others asked about it, and you said you would add it in, but you didn't. It can't have taken you more than two months to add it in!! These are really too simple for me, and the busy one's colors are not on center, and what's more, I'm sorry, but that one looks weird. Another thing is that the text one has black inside and not white, which you could have done. I understand if you just edited the normal default one, but they made it black because there was no border. Now there is a border, so you can make it white. Please make the unavailable white, I don't like to look at red on orange. The last thing is that the resizes have two borders. black and colored. Please fix all of these, and I'm sorry, but this will get 1 star. icon-image/11663-16x16x32.png image

ETHANWEEGEE (2016-02-20 00:58:49):

I didn't upload the move cursor. Sorry, I forgot. And I can't. I got a new computer for Christmas and the old one isn't easily accessible. Like I said, I can't animate the texture like that. I let you know in the description and in the comments. The logo is Microsoft. Do not go rating it bad when you don't know what I am doing. Then you are bound to give me a bad score. I don't mean to be rude, but think twice before speaking, and always make sure that you know what you are talking about.

AJaxx (2016-03-31 11:35:07 / 4 stars):

Not a bad cursor set. Could use a little refining but other than that, I see what you were trying to do. Keep practicing and working with "textures" will be easy for you in the future.

Unknown author (2016-04-09 19:11:40):

Pretty cool :-D 8-)

nibbler (2016-04-10 20:09:52):

I have added a link to your Windows Aero Yay cursor set on your description.

Joltex (2016-05-02 23:37:02 / 2.5 stars):

It Looks Okay... But It Looks Like You Rushed It; The Colors Only On The Borders, Completely Ripped Sprites, Etc.

autobotdevin (2016-05-05 02:05:28 / 5 stars):

I don't remember asking for it. But thanks anyways! 8-)

ETHANWEEGEE (2016-05-30 00:50:32):

@Yellow RBLX On the Windows Logo Cursors you said:
"Awesome! Any aero ones? 8-)"
And I responded:
"If I ever get a Windows Vista, or 7 (8 or 10 just no...) or get one I can rip the cursor set off without my dad yelling at me...
Then yes, I'll do one.
Currently I have a Windows XP, doesn't have aero.

But, if you can get me a copy, I will try."

Unknown author (2016-08-26 22:38:34):

Não entendi oq esses cursores tem de diferente do cursor normal :-o

ETHANWEEGEE (2016-08-27 01:31:55):

Este conjunto de cursor não é muito completo ou boa, uso este:
Desculpe se essa frase não foi digitada certo, usei um tradutor.
(translator skill like a boss)

nibbler (2016-09-01 21:19:36):

Sua primeira frase realmente faz sentido. Eu também usei o tradutor, copiando e colando seu post.

ETHANWEEGEE (2016-09-11 05:05:51):

Kewl. 8-)

Unknown author (2016-10-20 01:04:25):

I like it!

Just please maybe add more colors, I would love that.


- Macey :-D

Melissa517 (2017-06-19 03:27:37 / 5 stars):

These are really awesome and very clean looking. 8-)

hello (2017-09-28 04:30:26 / 4.5 stars):

If you are a deep Windows fan, I'd recommend.

Unknown author (2017-11-17 02:08:09):

if you could add a solid red verison of this this would be great

Bob the builder (2018-03-28 18:55:31 / 4 stars):

the working in background and busy has good animation.

TyranicalRex (2018-05-24 15:51:03 / 2.5 stars):

These are made from the Windows Default Cursors, they aren't your own work. You should try making your own cursors, not copied from someone else's work. ;-)

Nikentomolog (2018-08-01 08:34:27 / 4.5 stars):

Busy cursor has to be fixed.

Unknown author (2018-09-18 01:04:27):

Remaster The XP Cursors, Please?

NoobGamrrr22 (2020-10-13 02:35:24 / 5 stars):

this is so good

Unknown author (2020-10-14 20:53:12):

windows 7 aero logo cursor this is so good

Unknown author (2021-02-23 02:22:15):

i want to eat humongous monster cocks

Unknown author (2023-12-08 12:09:54):

where is move mouse ????????????????? :-o

Unknown author (2024-05-27 06:05:15):

Wow 8-)

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