Very Good Cursor
Aero Cursors for Windows Revamped! YAY!
(Took long enough)
My other set did not have a very good response, and I see why... I made a new one and this one looks better!
Tags: Windows 7 ■ Red ■ Green ■ Blue ■ Yellow □ Multicolored □ White
Very Good Cursor
3 out of 5 stars.
meh... le falta mejorar algunas cosas pero weno
meh.. le falta mejorar algunas cosas pero weno!!
very good!
i wish they were of normal size....they are large actually......but other features are awesome.... i am giving 4/5 i cut for size....
i love it
bro lie.. ITS DESIGNED WELL!! exept for the Busy wheel it's just.. normal
5 out of 5 stars.
so cool
I used to have this on my old Windows 7 computer
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See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.