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ʄʟɨӼ (2021-01-22 19:27:32 / 5 stars):

Nice job bro! Sick cursor set. Looks pretty hard to do frame by frame. You got this. Hopefully you can finish i by the end of the day.

Phantom (2021-01-22 19:31:02):


RIDDLER (2021-01-22 20:21:58 / 5 stars):

I would like this cursor set best if you completed it. An animated rainbow set with 17 cursor roles like this would be superb. Please add more cursors to this existing set.

Unknown author (2021-01-23 10:00:45):

YO NICE CURSOR MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RIDDLER (2021-01-24 15:56:04):

This set would be better if complete with all 17 cursor roles. Please finish it.

Unknown author (2021-01-29 22:39:42):

nice cursors! love the flow of the colors ( I also believe in 2 genders)

Phantom (2021-02-01 14:06:43):

(TOTM) for 2021.
Hello. Starting today is the TOTM, with the theme being gold!
Join the contest, and if you win, you can choose a prize! So get started, if you want prizes. icon-view/21554.png image

Unknown author (2021-02-03 12:00:08):

It says Malware Warning?

Phantom (2021-02-03 13:22:48):


Unknown author (2021-02-04 07:35:43):


RIDDLER (2021-02-05 23:58:23):

Please add all the remaining cursor roles into this set.

Unknown author (2021-02-11 14:26:04):

please add more cursors and complete this set that would be very nice

I wish you could do that

Phantom (2021-03-01 17:44:40):

i will eventually

Unknown author (2021-03-04 13:44:11):

ok then do it :-)

Unknown author (2021-03-23 23:34:54):

mas só existe dois genero mesmo ;-; | -)

Unknown author (2021-04-13 06:41:37):


RIDDLER (2021-05-10 01:21:43):

Still no completion of those cursor roles.

꧁ Ryjerun ꧂ (2021-05-11 09:15:02 / 5 stars):

It's Comin Out Good.. 8-) :-D

Unknown author (2021-06-28 07:17:12):


♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-08-05 16:20:11 / 3.5 stars):

Super bro can you make more cursors for Ex- person select.

Unknown author (2021-08-25 21:45:07):

Muito bom

Unknown author (2021-09-25 09:32:03):

Dang, just needs to be complete.

Coolman2345 (2021-10-01 18:28:01):

Finish the F*cking set i need it do it

Phantom (2021-10-01 19:31:02):

Uhh you need to chill,
like fr, all your drama is so unnecessary.

btw Im still working on it guys :-) this obstacle is just being a little annoying.

Unknown author (2021-10-15 20:12:23):

am a hacker i have your id jk just kiding

000 (2021-10-18 17:04:45 / 4.5 stars):

Wow that's cool! Although I think it looks a lot like mine and is complete. XD http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/rainbow-23

Phantom (2021-10-18 17:10:23):

yeah, im actually going to cancel these but remaster them.
I will try to impress everyone :-)

Henry vntv (2022-08-02 13:53:52 / 4.5 stars):

complete the set please
good day icon-image/24318-16x16x32.png image

Account not found (2022-10-14 16:42:10 / 3 stars):

complete the set please, you started it since january 21 and you haven't completed it yet icon-image/23970-16x16x32.png image icon-image/24318-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2022-11-24 23:04:44):

5 min ich mache das :-( :-(

Unknown author (2022-12-09 22:30:49):

ta bom so prsia ser conpelto 8-) 8-) 8-)

Phantom (2023-01-20 23:33:39):

Yo, I'm gonna remaster these on my own time.
Maybe I'll stream it.

Unknown author (2023-03-23 19:31:45):

Hey Coolman2345,

By The Way,
Amazing Work! :-)

astro.mp3 (2023-12-16 12:36:46 / 0.5 stars):

i love it

Unknown author (2024-03-25 18:56:06):


Unknown author (2024-08-07 15:50:37):

8-) 8-) |-) :-D :-D

Unknown author (2024-10-23 06:30:59):

um wat |-)

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