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Unknown author (2021-02-10 21:13:00):

I'm only using the Normal Cursor 8-)

RIDDLER (2021-02-10 22:20:17 / 5 stars):

This is a very nice set. There is a smaller version of this set here: http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/windows-xp-style

inactive account (2021-02-10 22:56:04):

I'm the same one who made them

Bobcat (2021-02-11 07:58:06 / 5 stars):

I like the XP remix, that is so creative! It looks not too blocky, but not too smooth. They are good for people who like simple stuff.

inactive account (2021-02-11 08:22:21):

I actually made the drawings in MS Paint so that's probably the reason they’re not so smooth. The smoothing was made using RW Cursor Editor.

Rando (2021-02-11 18:46:43):

MS Paint.. the only painting tool I can get.

Newb (2021-02-11 20:39:55 / 5 stars):

Xp remisz i reaklly like it youi pust the hard tne work in the cursor 10/10/10/10/1000000/1000000000000000000000 very cool bro keeep iiiiiiiiiiiit upppppppp ooooo xd like very cool 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) nicer than my 1 button jk this is coole rthan my buttton

inactive account (2021-02-11 23:01:03):

I have a potato PC

Stormedge (2021-02-12 01:03:20 / 3.5 stars):

I do indeed like these cursors, they look much better than the smaller ones.

ClairvoyantOS (2021-02-12 15:14:01 / 4.5 stars):

I really like the Busy select, however, I did notice that the Normal Select cut off.

inactive account (2021-02-12 17:44:02):

How did it cut off?

yasser broz (2023-10-05 17:11:12 / 5 stars):

i think i remberer i install that on my windows 7
but is it cool :-D icon-image/688-16x16x32.png image

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