Is that a unicode character vyou got in your name "λ" ?
Hey! I'm Clair! I like to reupload cursors for fun. I can't say I will upload daily, however.
Formerly known as Aero.
Released on March 9th 2023 by ClairvoyantOS
Sooo, I forgot that you aren't supposed to reupload raylark cursors, so you only get 3 cursors. Though if you want the full set, support raylark using this link:
Show all icon and cursor sets.
Is that a unicode character vyou got in your name "λ" ?
buenos cursores
I'm In the 2nd place on the most productive cursors at first I was in the first place but Mimi destino has been first and It's not a matter for me
Hey u have came online for a long long time ago right?
I just haven't been posting often.
Wow, a year later and I still want to make cursors.
Anyways, enough said, I'll be trying to reupload cursors for you guys today. Note that none of the cursors will be made by me from now on. I'll just upload cursors from different sites and I'll see if you guys like them.
Anyways, bye for now.
Find out how Vista icons differ from XP icons.
See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.