Unknown author (2021-02-22 15:45:10):
nice u did a great job Unknown author (2021-02-22 16:08:39):
i don't know how to use this but cool Unknown author (2021-02-22 16:26:36):
i loved it great Unknown author (2021-02-22 16:38:44):
it sucks yeetboi (2021-02-22 16:42:19):
to use it you have to download it, unzip it, and put them all in their right places in settings>devices>mouse>addditional mouse settings>pointers yeetboi (2021-02-22 17:33:56):
what type of cursor do you guys want me to do next? Unknown author (2021-02-22 17:37:14):
a blue pack please Mr Yeetboi yeetboi (2021-02-22 17:38:21):
ok Unknown author (2021-02-22 17:46:35):
this is freaking cool baby yeetboi (2021-02-22 17:53:25):
thx i had to change the cursor hotspot on the working in background. that is why it is modified now. R0mKa (2021-02-22 17:53:49 / 5 stars):
Pretty good for a first cursor set. I also like Red and Black! 5 stars incoming! Unknown author (2021-02-22 18:36:02):
hmmmmmmm... no comment yeetboi (2021-02-22 19:04:05):
i finished the cusrsor set blue RIDDLER (2021-02-23 05:29:51 / 5 stars):
That's such a great cursor set. I like its perfection. Could you please make a green version as well? J (2021-02-23 08:37:55 / 5 stars):
Pretty good first set! Keep it up! Unknown author (2021-02-23 09:54:51):
this is horrible Unknown author (2021-02-23 09:56:45):
hi yeetboi i like your cursors can you make green cursors like these Bobcat (2021-02-23 10:19:56 / 4.5 stars):
I like them! You should try make them smoother. I like the animations, especially the busy one! Croimy (2021-02-23 10:25:26 / 4.5 stars):
nice yeetboi (2021-02-23 10:27:35):
ok ill make a green set cool RIDDLER I am making a turquoise set right now but I will get to the green. Unknown author (2021-02-23 15:18:01):
nice Unknown author (2021-02-24 00:34:10):
SlizzyG (2021-02-24 13:36:47 / 5 stars):
These are some pretty clean cursors, and if this is your first set then great job! Keep up the work mate. Croimy (2021-02-24 16:19:14):
your colours are always black and ... but nice Unknown author (2021-02-25 11:28:45):
White and Black pls Unknown author (2021-03-18 16:12:05):
hi can u send me the link to ur page thx Unknown author (2021-04-08 14:40:57):
BEM TOP MAS TINHA QUE TER DO FF Unknown author (2022-05-30 09:22:51):
nice Unknown author (2022-06-08 14:10:16):
nice, thank you for the very cool cursors! Unknown author (2022-06-12 04:35:38):
Dude this is the best set i've ever seen I use this set permanently. Thank you so much for making the perfect cursor for me. Unknown author (2022-10-25 21:16:41):
nice to meet you pro bro to minecraft very good cool
LieDie (2023-05-18 12:47:40):
i also have red and black cursors Unknown author (2024-01-01 22:39:15):
this is the best cursor set I've ever seen Unknown author (2024-01-11 18:10:56):