Insane Games (2021-02-22 22:19:47 / 3 stars):
Looks like you made it in MS Paint. TBH it is pretty bad. But I will give you 3 stars for effort. Plus! you made location and person! Unknown author (2021-02-23 04:35:02):
looks fun Stormedge (2021-02-23 05:03:51 / 3 stars):
Bad, try improving a bit. RIDDLER (2021-02-23 05:34:30 / 2.5 stars):
The title makes no sense with the cursors you've made and the hotspots are not in the correct place. Those cursors have a scribble appearance as if you did make the cursor set from MS Paint. R0mKa (2021-02-23 06:52:28 / 2.5 stars):
Well, a lot of mistakes... Bad hotspots, not really good design at all, looks like MS Paint. Atleast an original idea. 2.5 stars incoming, try to improve yourself. Bobcat (2021-02-23 10:24:32 / 1 stars):
These are really fun to look at, but not to be used. The hotspots are wrong, and the quality is bad, really looks like it took 10 min! Unknown author (2021-02-23 12:55:16):
its really funny its like a little kid draw this. Unknown author (2021-02-23 14:32:01):
its his fir3st cursor set BAZZI (2021-02-24 04:43:32):
1 out of 5 stars bruh its ugly but cute XD Unknown author (2021-02-24 19:32:28):
Very Very Bad Cursors
Croimy (2021-02-25 10:03:34 / 1 stars):
true bad Noah (2021-02-26 19:58:08 / 0.5 stars):
Bad cursor, there is no hotspots, and you painted from Paint OS. J4c0p0 (2021-02-27 08:36:11 / 5 stars):
I LOVE IT Phantom (2021-10-27 17:11:44 / 1.5 stars):
same comment as bobcat. I love the look of these cursors, but the hotspots aren't in the right spot Unknown author (2022-07-16 05:26:30):
i like the cursors, but they are just for fun, not for real use. |