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eeveelover64 (2021-02-25 14:44:38):

so...wait where did you find the cd one?

Unknown author (2021-02-25 16:45:37):

Yea its cool but its kinda same

Insane Games (2021-02-25 18:10:32 / 2 stars):

He probably got these from Windows (C:) --> System32 --> Cursors

No one would probably even need these anyways. You can just use the default windows cursors. You don't need to download this set. Plus there was no effort put into it he just got these from Windows (C:) --> System32 --> Cursors easy as that (like i said up there ^)


Unknown author (2021-02-26 00:56:16):


RIDDLER (2021-02-26 12:08:45 / 5 stars):

I have seen those before here. Perfect set with nostalgia from Windows 95 and 98.

R0mKa (2021-02-26 13:57:47 / 5 stars):

Pretty nice classical cursors, i like it. The nostalgia is really here :-) 5 stars incoming! :-)

Noah (2021-02-26 19:51:08 / 5 stars):

Thanks for the cursors!
My favorite cursors! :-)

Bobcat (2021-03-01 07:12:09 / 3 stars):

I like the idea of replacing with a CD, but I have seen so many before. Try to do something to stand out!

Unknown author (2021-03-01 09:00:29):

Thumbs up yo!

Unknown author (2021-03-03 01:47:12):

yay ;-) :-o :-)oek34-o2jrp3or

-) 8-)
Unknown author (2021-03-10 12:47:03):

that Cursor is Old fool

Unknown author (2021-03-10 13:02:11):

that cursor isn't old *even though it is :/*

RIDDLER (2021-04-02 22:41:41):


Unknown author (2021-04-15 18:03:20):

:-D Looks great

Unknown author (2021-05-20 17:05:26):

Rename them to gamer cursors lol

Unknown author (2021-10-13 07:19:44):

i need excel old version

Anonymos (2021-11-20 12:43:28):

about to get all the old cursors! :-) :)

Unknown author (2022-01-19 02:25:16):

;-) nice

Unknown author (2022-02-12 11:38:17):

good job yall , cheers

Unknown author (2022-04-07 11:15:31):

Good looking cursor!

Unknown author (2022-08-13 00:22:30):



Unknown author (2022-08-13 22:04:24):


Unknown author (2022-08-19 12:37:04):

please replace cd with normal hourglass :-(

i didnt download those cursors just because u misplaced a pixel in "Working" cursor and replaced hourglass with cd :-(

Unknown author (2022-08-21 23:21:31):

its okay :-)

Unknown author (2022-09-09 00:36:30):

i am going to say the n word


a_person (2022-11-17 10:12:12):

the cursor is slightly smaller than the windows xp one

Unknown author (2023-02-26 22:43:28):

i like it

Unknown author (2023-03-14 00:32:04):

it is very good, nice cursor, and nice CUSTOMIZATION to our windows andthank yoiuu for nribring the old windows one it is so good so do not fall down with it please please brotjeher pl 8-) 8-) 8-) :-( :-( :-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) :d

Unknown author (2023-04-20 00:55:04):

Why did you replaced the hourglass with a CD and gave no opyion?

Unknown author (2023-06-14 18:43:47):

your caping seeing this in 2023

Unknown author (2023-07-24 03:34:37):

i needed a gtx 4090 to run this cursor set

Unknown author (2023-08-27 18:45:52):


Unknown author (2023-09-02 19:49:34):


Unknown author (2023-09-10 06:21:08):

can you make wib cursor a cd aswell?

Unknown author (2023-09-16 00:53:31):

i am going to say the r word

really nice

BloxMan (2023-09-28 14:44:05 / 5 stars):

nice! it looks like windows 95 style! awesome job!

Unknown author (2023-10-29 20:57:09):

Can you please make PNG and GIF versions?
?snoisrev FIG dna GNP ekam esaelp uoy nac

coolkase (2023-11-06 01:22:26 / 5 stars):

looks like the original cursors.

i converted them to png, you can find them here:

Unknown author (2023-12-08 20:13:44):

help me my house is on fire

Unknown author (2023-12-14 12:03:17):

the person above me is dead

Unknown author (2024-01-30 15:41:53):

wow :-o :-)

Unknown author (2024-03-22 17:28:52):

very skibidi

Unknown author (2024-03-24 09:07:56):

whoever said "very skibidi" is a gen alpha person (or not)

Unknown author (2024-06-12 12:14:25):

what the sigma

Unknown author (2024-06-27 10:38:50):


Unknown author (2024-07-29 02:52:02):

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2024-08-06 07:01:57):

i love you guys :-D

Unknown author (2024-09-12 17:09:20):


Unknown author (2024-09-16 04:57:03):
Unknown author (2024-09-22 12:35:03):

Stop commenting goofy - SR 8-)

Unknown author (2024-09-24 14:48:04):

sdfasfsdf :-( :-o

Unknown author (2024-09-27 01:09:00):

Bro if your Gen Alpha get off. These files are older than you.

FlynMaker7 (2024-10-16 20:39:47):

stop the gen alpha bs

Unknown author (2024-11-19 23:05:05):

the skibidy and the ohieoh and the riss.

Unknown author (2024-12-06 08:23:23):

jokes aside the cd next to the arrow makes way more sense then the blue thing

Unknown author (2024-12-06 15:42:01):



smasiuhbvdfzi my keyvbuxd¨

Unknown author (2025-01-03 16:53:37):

bsm elber

hadal elber bsm dlebleh sapurtar.

Unknown author (2025-01-07 20:20:28):

i'm pretty sure these can be activated by disabling the modern default cursors

Unknown author (2025-01-12 12:23:10):

HELP whats going on in these comments its a site for cursors LMAO???

Unknown author (2025-02-20 07:52:00):

awsum sauce :P

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